
AgrupaEjido and Assyce Group to make eco-sustainable greenhouses

Almerian farmers knew better than anyone else how to make the most of solar energy in order to grow high quality fruit and vege throughout the year. This same source of energy has inspired a revolutionary technological innovation in renewable materials. As a result of a much needed collaboration between both sectors, a deal has been made between two leading companies in their respective markets: AgrupaEjido and Assyce Group.
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Eco-sustainable photovoltaic greenhouses:

The deal, backed by AgrupaEjido’sChairman, CecilioGuillénand Assyce Group,s the whole of Spain, but it will make the Almerian ryside its principle responsibility. This bid for new technologies becomes a reality in the design and installation of eco-sustainable photovoltaic greenhouses. The greenhouse is made up of a system of thin layers of high performance, low cost solar photovoltaic panels, characterised by their transparency.

This type of greenhouse will bring great advantages for AgrupaEjido’s farmers. Firstly, they will allow for an increase in production, help produce healthier and more environmentally friendly t and protect against frost, cold and other meteorological conditions, making the most of photovoltaic energy.

Other possibilities to come from them are; the production of electrical energy which can then be sold, a saving in energy in heating and pumping systems, a prolongation of the lifespan of the greenhouses for the supposed protection from the photovoltaic panels, or to grow the crops in a environmentally friendly and eco-sustainable business. The intention is to guide our intensive production within an authentic industry that will make a new economic revolution possible in the province of Almeria.

The current surface of existing greenhouses throughout the Almerian province reaches 26.500 hectares, if all of them were equipped with this new technology, double the amount of energy would be generated to meet the needs of the province’s population. Almeria would become a big energy exporter, exceeding more than 50% of the generated power by a big nuclear centre. The resources generated for energy sales would be more than 400 million every year. This figure could then reach 4.000 million under excellent conditions.

According to the General Director of AE, Ricardo García, “The intensive production model in the Almerian ryside must be brought up to date, it must be reinvented. Everybody’s future relies on it, the ryside’s profit lies with the farmer”.

AgrupaEjido andAssycetwo leaders working together:

AE is the leading fruit and vegetable marketer in Andalucia and one of the most important in Spain. It supplies to the national, European, American and Canadian markets. It is currently facing a Growth Plan based on the loyalty from farmers and commercial improvement, with which it predicted a 20% increase in turnover during the next three years. Sales ascend to 225 million kilos every year at a value of 166 million euros.
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Ctra. De Las Norias, 5 y 7 .- Pol. El Olivo 04745 La Mojonera - Almería TEL.: 950 33 99 00 - FAX: 950 33 99 51