
AgrupaEjido on Facebook

AgrupaEjido has d its own Facebook page. This page aims to be a meeting point for farmers and people interested in Almerian horticultural products.
Foto Noticia
Events, information and communication activities, articles about the sector, relevant information about market tendencies will all be posted on this page.
There will also be a part we will organise Recipe Competitions with Almerian products, Industry related brand promotions and Gifts for the page’s ‘fans’.
To sign up and become a fan of the page you can go directly to
You can also download the guides ‘How to sign up for Facebook and’ and ‘Security and Privacy on Facebook’ from our document download area:
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Ctra. De Las Norias, 5 y 7 .- Pol. El Olivo 04745 La Mojonera - Almería TEL.: 950 33 99 00 - FAX: 950 33 99 51